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Election Coding & Ballots
Election Coding & Ballots
ElectionSource is a leader in the election industry for all election-related services and supplies. We have over 50 years of combined experience conducting federal, state, local, school, union, and fraternal organization elections.
ElectionSource provides turnkey voting services using optical scan tabulators and ballots. We can work with your staff to create a comprehensive plan for conducting your election, providing equipment, training, and on-site support to ensure a smooth and accurate election. Our experienced staff can provide you with a level of knowledge and experience that is unsurpassed in the industry.
ElectionSource can provide your county or organization with all the necessary coding expertise for coding your election equipment. Our programming staff has experience coding a variety of optical scan and touchscreen systems. We can also provide ballot layout design and technical support for both election management software and election tabulators or touchscreen equipment.

Full-Service Election Solutions
Step 1 - Preparation
- Implementation Meetings & Preparation
- Ballot Layout & Printing
- EMS Tabulator Coding
- Poll Worker Training
- Precinct Set-up & Security
- Accessibility Consulting
- Pre-Election Testing
Step 2 - Implementation
- Election Day EMS Support
- Data Accumulation & Reporting Support
- EMS Tabulator Coding
- Tabulator & Precinct Worker Support
Step 3 - Summary
- Election Summary Report
- Canvassing
- Auditing
- Recounting
- Official Results Reporting
Services We Provide
Use our experience and expertise to ensure a successful election.
- Election Support & Training
- Election Coding
- Ballot Layout and Printing
- Election Consulting
- Turn Key Election Management
- Mail Elections
Our Coding and Ballot Services ensure smooth and accurate elections!
- Save time & money by preventing incorrect ballots
- Simplify your election day stress & tasks
- We support coding on all systems, including:
- Sequoia
- Premier/Diebold
- Dominion
- Automark