The Early Voting Precinct Kit includes the following items:

- One each of Envelopes #1, #2, and #3 (SKUs: FM-905W, FM-904W, FM-906W) 

- One Absent Voter Envelope to Local Clerk (SKU: FM-914W) 

- One Spoiled/Defective Ballot Envelope (SKU: FM-403W) 

- One Original Ballot Envelope (SKU: FM-407W) 

- One Provisional Notice to Voters (SKU: FM-951) 

- One Provisional Ballot Instruction Envelope (SKU: FM-952) 

- One Checklist of Final Operations (SKU: FM-409) 

- One Receipt to Local Clerk (SKU: FM-931) 

- Two Application to Vote Binders (SKU: FM-902) 

- Ten Election Day Change of Address/Authorization to Transfer Voter Registration forms (SKU: FM-908) 

-Nine Universal Ballot Bag Certificates (SKU: FM-400B) 

-(1) VAT Storage Envelope (SKU: FM-VATW)

- Nine Vinyl Certification Holders (SKU: FM-915) 

- Seven State of Michigan Peel and Stick Seals (SKU: SE-22) 

- One Early Voting Electronic Pollbook (SKU: PS-401EPB EV) 

- Three Applications to Vote Pads (SKU: FM-901) 

Item Number: PK-4010 EPB EV




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